Sing-along for Portland

Sing along, pass it along, and if you're game…record and post your own version!

Nothing brings people together like song! Use the lyrics below and record your own version, then tag us at @12forPDX when you post your video.

The Portland Voting Song Lyrics

If you live in Portland and you’re feeling kinda blue
Cuz the place is struggling, struggling hard, and you don’t know just what to do.
Well, listen up my friends: we see the problems too.
We’re 12 For PDX and we are here for you!

Well, we’re 12 for PDX. Portlanders like you!
We’re 12 for PDX. We’re neither red nor blue!
We’ve looked at all the candidates, we’ve taken lots of notes.
We’re 12 for PDX, we’re here to help you vote.

The election’s coming up, City Council on the line
With 80 something candidates, who’s great and who’s just fine?
We need 12 people who know how to get stuff done
So we’ve got four criteria for anyone who runs.

One—do you know how to collaborate?
Two—have you ever worked to build something great?
Three—Do you have experience that sets us all at ease?
Four—When times get tough, can you see the forest for the trees ?

We looked at all the candidates, who’s weak and who looks strong.
Now we’ve got some recommendations, that’s the whole point of this song.
So before you mark your ballot—not once but six full votes,
Go to and peruse our helpful notes.

Then vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote. The job is done.
We’ll have a city council that works for everyone.
